
La enfermedad periodontal es una infección grave en su línea de las encías.

ARESTIN® (clorhidrato de minociclina) es un antibiótico que mata la bacteria que causa la infección.

  • It’s placed directly in the infected areas—o “pockets”—in your gums.
  • Dr. Mike o Dr. Janet will discuss with you if Arestin should be applied right after scaling and root planing or a Periodontal Maintenance Recall Visit, which are dental procedure that disrupts stubborn plaque and bacteria below your gum line.

ARESTIN® starts working quickly, right at the source of infection, and keeps fighting bacteria long after you leave the dental office. 1,2

ARESTIN® fights infection and inflammation for 30 dias,2 and provides significantly better results than scaling and root planing alone for up to 90 dias.3

1. Oringer RJ, Al-Shammari KF, Aldredge WA, et al. Effect of locally administered minocycline microspheres on markers of bone resorption. J Periodontol 2002;73:835-842.
2. Goodson JM, Gunsollwy JC, Grossi SG, et al. Minocycline HCl microspheres reduce red-complex bacteria in periodontal disease therapy. J Periodontol 2007;78(8):1568-1579.
3. Williams RC, Paquette DW, Offenbacher S, et al. Treatment of periodontitis by local administration of minocycline microspheres: a controlled trial. J Periodontol 2001;72:1535-1544.