Instrucciones de cuidado en el hogar

We routinely give verbal or written post-operative care instructions after your procedure. If not, en contacto con nosotros, and we will be happy to review the verbal instructions or make arrangements for you to receive an instruction sheet. Below are some general suggestions.

Después de Odontología General (empastes, bondings…) Procedimientos:

Recuerde que tomará tiempo acostumbrarse a la sensación de la mordida nuevo. When we alter the bite or teeth positionit takes several days for the brain to recognize the new position of your teeth or their thickness as normal. If you continue to detect any high spots or problems with your bite, llame a nuestra oficina al Número de teléfono de la oficina de Edina 952-929-9131 so we can schedule an adjustment appointment.

It is normal to experience some hot and cold sensitivity. The teeth require some time to heal after removing tooth structure, and they will be sensitive in the interim. Your gums may also be sore for a few days. Warm salt water rinses (a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) three times a day will reduce pain and swelling. A mild pain medication (one tablet of Tylenol or Ibuprofen (Motrin) every 3-4 horas) should ease any residual discomfort.

Daily brushing and flossing are a must for your new dental work. Daily plaque removal is critical for the long-term success of your new teeth, as are regular cleaning appointments.

Any food that can crack, chip, or damage a natural tooth can do the same to your new teeth. Avoid hard foods and substances (such as beer nuts, peanut brittle, ice, fingernails, or pencils) and sticky candies. Smoking will stain your new teeth. Minimize or avoid foods that stain such as coffee, vino tinto, té, and berries.

If you play sports, let us know so we can make a custom mouthguard. If you grind your teeth at night, wear the night guard we have provided for you. Adjusting to the look and feel of your new smile will take time. If you have any problems or concerns, please let us know. We always welcome your questions.

After Crown, Veneers and Bridge Appointments

Coronas, carillas, y puentes usually take two or three appointments to complete. In the first visit, the teeth are prepared and molds of the mouth are taken. Temporary coronas o puentes are placed to protect the teeth while the custom restoration is being made. Since the teeth will be anesthetized, the tongue, lips, and roof of the mouth may be numb. Please refrain from eating and drinking hot beverages until the numbness is completely worn off.

Don’t be concerned if your speech is affected for the first few days. You’ll quickly adapt and speak normally. You may notice increased salivation. This is because your brain is responding to the new size and shape of your teeth. This should subside in about a week.

Occasionally a temporary crown may come off.En contacto con nosotrosif this happens and bring the temporary crown with you so we can re-cement it. It is very important for the temporary to stay in place, as it will prevent other teeth from moving and compromising the fit of your final restoration.

To keep your temporaries in place, avoid eating sticky foods (chicle) and hard foods, and if possible, chew on the opposite side of your mouth. It is important to brush normally, but floss carefully and don’t pull up on the floss because this may dislodge the temporary. Instead, pull the floss out from the side of the temporary crown.

It is normal to experience some temperature and pressure sensitivity after each appointment. The sensitivity should subside a few weeks after the placement of the final restoration. Mild pain medications may also be used as directed by our office.

If your bite feels uneven, if you have persistent pain, or if you have any other questions or concerns, por favor llame a nuestra oficina en Número de teléfono de la oficina de Edina 952-929-9131.

A Tooth Extraction

Después de la extracción del diente, Es importante que se forme un coágulo de sangre para detener el sangrado y comenzar el proceso de curación.. That’s why we ask you to bite on a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes after the appointment. Si el sangrado o la supuración aún persisten, coloque otra gasa y muerda firmemente por otra 30 minutos. You may have to do this several times.

Después de que se forma el coágulo de sangre, it is important not to disturb or dislodge the clot as it aids healing. No enjuagar vigorosamente, chupar pajitas, fumar, beber alcohol, o cepillarse los dientes al lado del sitio de extracción para 72 horas. These activities will dislodge or dissolve the clot and slow the healing process. Limite el ejercicio vigoroso para la siguiente 24 hours as this will increase blood pressure and may cause more bleeding from the extraction site.

Después de la extracción del diente, puede sentir algo de dolor y experimentar algo de hinchazón. Una bolsa de hielo o una bolsa sin abrir de guisantes congelados o maíz aplicados al área mantendrá la inflamación al mínimo. Tome los analgésicos según lo prescrito.. La hinchazón generalmente desaparece después de 48 horas.

Use the pain medication as directed.En contacto con nosotrossi el medicamento no parece estar funcionando. Si se prescriben antibióticos, continue to take them for the indicated length of time, even if signs and symptoms of infection are gone. Drink lots of fluid and eat nutritious soft food on the day of the extraction. Puedes comer normalmente tan pronto como te sientas cómodo.

Es importante retomar su rutina dental normal después de 24 horas. Esto debe incluir cepillarse los dientes y usar hilo dental al menos una vez al día.. Esto acelerará la curación y ayudará a mantener la boca fresca y limpia..

Despues de unos dias, you will feel fine and can resume your normal activities. Si tiene sangrado abundante., dolor severo, hinchazón continua durante 2-3 días, o una reacción a la medicación, en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente.